Industry Green Survey 2021 – Results and Analysis

Debbie van Rijk December 17, 2021
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The annual Industry Green Survey of outdoor festivals, conducted by the Vision: 2025 network of outdoor events and businesses taking climate action for the 7th year running, provides a snapshot of sustainability practice across the industry.

It does so by asking UK festival organisers about their attitudes and challenges. The results identify trends and changes and help Vision: 2025 shape support and resources for the industry.

About the survey

The Industry Green survey 2021 was completed by representatives from 109 festivals ranging from 1,000 – 80,000 capacity, with combined audience of more than 2,000,000. The majority of respondents are Company Directors, with some employed sustainability leads

The survey was published by Vision: 2025 with the AIF and AFO. It was open from Oct – Nov 2021. The below analysis of the results was written by Chris Johnson, Chair, Vision 2025, who comments:

"We acknowledge that things are shifting fast, and that this sample of events that engaged with the survey may be above average in terms of environmental practices; however, the answers nonetheless give us a valuable snapshot that will help inform our work over the next 12 months. With thanks to everyone who has given us their time."

The key findings

Two thirds of events in the survey reported that they are measuring their carbon footprint, a 33% increase compared to the 2020 survey, when less than half of events were doing so.

70% of organisations are yet to put a net zero strategy in place

Local authority expectations are changing: 15% of events reported that their local authority required information about sustainability in 2021, and a further 25% said it has been indicated that this will be required in the near future.

What’s new in 2021?

Despite many events not taking place or running at reduced capacity, and the challenges of the 2021 season, many events report putting new sustainability measures in place.

Read the full article at


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